People are aware of the existence of BDA because of its allotment of sites, but not aware of Bangalore Metropolitan Region Development Authority, which is an equally important institution which has powers to approve layout and building plans. BMRDA was formed under BMRDA Act, 1985 to provide for the establishment of an authority for the purpose of planning, coordinating and supervising the proper and orderly development of the areas within the Bangalore Metropolitan Region and to provide for matters connected therewith.
Powers and Functions of BMRDA
1. Perform survey of the Bangalore Metropolitan Region and prepare reports on those surveys.
2. Prepare structure plan for the development of the Bangalore Metropolitan Region.
3. To cause to be carried out such works as are contemplated in the structure plan.
4. Formulate as many schemes as are necessary for implementing the structure plan of the Bangalore Metropolitan Region.
5. Secure, co-ordinate and execute the town planning scheme and the development of the Bangalore Metropolitan Region in accordance with the said schemes.
6. Raise finance for any project or scheme for the development of the Bangalore Metropolitan Region and to extend assistance to the local authorities in the Region for execution of such project or schemes.
7. Perform such other acts and things as may be entrusted by the Government or as may be necessary for, or incidental or conducive to, any matters which are necessary for furtherance of the objects for which the Authority is constituted.
8. Entrust to any local authority the work of execution of any development plan or town planning scheme.
9.Co-ordinate the activities of the Bangalore Development Authority, BBMP, the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board, the Karnataka Slum Clearance Board, the Karnataka Electricity Board, the Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board, the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation and such other bodies as are connected with development activities in the Bangalore Metropolitan Region.
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